Thursday 31 December 2015



                                                MEEDARH's CORNER    PART   I

Child marriage has been a common practice for years now. It is the marrying off of a child less than 18 years of age. The practice began to be questioned in the 20th century. Other terms applied to it is "early marriage" and "child bride".
  In 2002, 52 million girls less than 18 years old in the world were married off with 25000 girls less than 18 years were being married off each. Up to 100 million was married off in 2012. In South Asia 48% of women aged 15-24 have been married off before age 18.
   In ancient times, it was common for girls to be betrothed at or even before puberty. I can say that this started as a result of discrimination between a female child and a male child. In Nigeria, males are often given the opportunity to choose a spouse while females are sometimes forced to get married to someone their parents or wards want them to.
Although some male children are also betrothed or forced to get married to someone they don't want to but in most cased, it is the female child that falls into this kind of situation.
Forcing one's child into marriage is a case on its own, but how old is this child. Forcing a child less than 18 years old into marriage is illegal in Nigeria, its the same thing as child abuse or even selling a child but yet some parents still do it.
Some reasons why parents force their children into early marriage include poverty, greed, illiteracy and also to strengthened their friendship  with the other family. In most cases, its either greed or poverty.
Some parents don't even care about what happens after this kind of marriage, they don't even think about it before marrying off their children. They don't know the kind of danger they are exposing their child to
    Child marriage is a violation of human right and it prevents the child from completing her education. Child marriage also prevents a child from enjoying optimal health, bonding with her age mates and also feel the freedom to choose a heart chosen husband.
  Take a look at this scenario where by a child age 12 is married off to a man as old as 40 years old. Probably this man has two other wives, it is obvious that such a child is only brought into the house as an house help. Other wives will see her as a little girl and won't hesitate to make her suffer. Its only in rare cases that she will meet nice wives. Since the husband won't be around at all times, she will have to bear the sufferings. She might be unable to tell her parents due to fear and this might cause emotional distress for her.
   Furthermore, such a child hasn't fully developed and so if she gets pregnant, there is probability that she will have complication during pregnancy and while giving birth.
When a child is forced into marriage at an early age, she is being exposed to illness and some diseases such as cervical cancer, sexually transmitted diseases, malaria, death during child birth, premature birth and obstetric fistula(an abnormal passage of urine from the bladder to the virginal).

Since child marriage didnt start today, it might be difficult to stop it but not impossible. Some of the things we can do include,  organizing girls empowerment programs, supporting young people to be agent of change, establishing, implementing rules and laws to fight against child marriage and encouraging girl child education.
   Lastly, remember each child is a unique person so don't ruin that special gene in her by ending her education. Education helps a lot in a child's life. Train your child in the proper way and you will enjoy it in the future. A child is a precious gem, so hold on to it tight.

Miss Oladimeji is a student of mass communication department, UNILORIN

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