Tuesday 9 August 2016


                         PROF OLOYEDE HAS BEEN FIRED

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We are quick to forget what we do, but time is recoding the incidences and the book of history is doing well by putting it into record.
Prof. Oloyede (iclrs.org)
Some few years back, I was surfing the net and I checked the Nations newspaper, I saw something that didn’t just steal my attention but stole me all completely. It was the piece of a student now a Barrister Lawyer, Whyte Habeeb, where he was asking the Vice-chancellor then to be fired. Everybody must have taught the very same way I taught that day. I was of the mind the man had spent his tenure unproductively, for a student to have raised such a mighty word like “fire”. Only to read through, to understand the writer was just playing with words. The idiom that you don’t judge a book by its cover then made some sense to me.
Prof Oloyede assumed office as the Vice-chancellor of the Better By Far Institution, University of Ilorin on the 15th of October, 2007, for a single term of five years. He was sure to input his part to the development of the school. Notable among the roles he played was in the instilling of discipline in every corner of the school even its lawn! You will agree with me that the beginning of success comes from been disciplined, this am sure he used in taking Unilorin to the ranks. He built a palace of legacy down for himself, that even long after the service as the Vice-chancellor,

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history still points at him as one of those that went down well in its book.
L-R Ambassador Laseinde, Prof. Oloyede and Dr. Mahfous Adedimeji (thenewsnigeria.com.ng)
The political world should learn a lesson from this; and it is that the beautiful book of history pens our actions down every point in time. The today we leave is a complement of what our yesterday has been, and if caution is still taken, tomorrow would definitely be better. This is evident in the life of Prof Oloyede, who spent his yesterday working on how his today would be, and good for him, he his climbing heights by the day, and if he continues in this way, he has  no worries, as tomorrow will hold bigger rewards. It’s not all about what positions bring; it’s about what remains when we are out of there.
Congratulations to Prof Oloyede, on the success of his new appointment as the new Joint Admissions and Matriculation Board (JAMB) Boss.
Tijani Sheriffdeen Opeyemi, sheriffdeentijani@gmail.com, 07033254385


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