Thursday 19 January 2017


Wealth creation is not easy. If it was, we would all be billionaires. As much as I acknowledge the fact that
it is not easy, it is also not rocket science. There is a formula to it and it involves hard work, diligence earning, saving, investing and multiplying your money. I have come
up with some simple ABCs to always bear in mind, to help you on your journey of wealth creation and financial independence.

Always think about the numbers –returns, interest, revenue, cost andprofit. Numbers, numbers, numbers!
Be fearless and audacious.
Create multiple sources of income/revenue
Develop value adding relationships.
Your network is net worth
Excellence . You don’t have to be good at everything. Find what you are good at and be excellent at it.
Delegate the other stuff. Your name should be synonymous with something, Bill Gates: Microsoft;
Atedo Peterside: Banking; Linda Ikeji: Blogging; etc. Whatever you do, strive to excel at something.
Focus on what really matters
Get a mentor who is genuinely interested in your success.
Hustle day and night! Side hustle, main hustle, right hustle, all hustle!
Invest your money, no matter howlittle you think it is Just because you can buy it does not mean that you can afford it. Learn
to delay your gratification. Show up, NOT show off!
Keep your costs and expenses in check! – Always below your income Learn (formally or informally) and continue to invest in and improve your self
Make a conscious decision to be successful and work tirelessly to achieve it.
Never give up. Beconsistent, keep
the pressure on the hustle. It will eventually pay off
Open your mind up to new ideas and change. Poverty is not an option.
Quit complaining and making excuses. Just do it!
Resourcefulness. Rome was not built in a day. Start where you are, with what you have.
Save continuously and invest to multiply your money Turn your thoughts and dreams into action and wealth Understand the business idea, industry, market and product before you invest your money Value your time. Time is money!
Work hard, work smart and be willing to do whatever it takes to succeed X-ray people in your industry. Learn the secrets of their success and/ or failure.
You hold the key to your success and the key to unlocking your wealth Zeal. Investors prefer to invest in zealous, passionate and knowledgeable people.
Let these simple ABCs guide you on your journey to achieving financial independence.
Remember, start now, start small – just do it!

About Ifeoma Adeoye

Ifeoma Adeoye is an
entrepreneur and a business consultant. She is keen on social and charitable causes and
spends a considerable amount of her time establishing and providing business advisory services to startup businesses in Africa. She is a motivational speaker and is passionate about motivating people to be
innovative, entrepreneurial, financially savvy and
independent. She loves all things related to making money legitimately and believes that we should all strive to have lots of
You can contact her via email at
and on Instagram & twitter


You can’t talk about fast-
growing SaaS (Software-as-a-Service) companies
without mentioning Zapier . In about five years, they’ve
amassed a customer base of over 1.5 million registered users, and grown their team from just three founders to 60 people. But perhaps what’s most impressive and unique
about Zapier, is the fact that those 60 people can be found all over the world.
While Wade Foster and his co-founders reside in San
Fransisco, he is quick to
mention that does not mean Zapier’s headquarters are in
San Fransisco. Not just
employees, but also members of the executive team can be found on almost every continent, working remotely.
Zapier is living proof
that entrepreneurs and
startups are no longer strictly bound by location, and that there is a whole world of talent out there.

“The internet feels like our
true home,” Foster says.

You might think that
having such a team would be a detriment to a fast-growth company but, according to Foster, having such a large, distributed team is precisely the reason behind Zapier’s impressive success. When it comes to managing and leading such a scattered team, all while
building a fast-growing SaaS company, Foster is a master.


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