Tuesday 6 June 2017


Brain Builders Int'l Holds Youth Policy Dialogue in Ilorin, Kwara State.

Brain Builders International in conjunction with the YouthHub Africa organised a 'Youth Policy Dialogue' on Friday 2nd June 2017 at the Kwara State Ministry of Youth and Sport Development, Ilorin. The dialogue was aimed at bringing individuals, profit and not-for-profit making organizations, student leaders, youth advocates, and other concerned stakeholders to the round table to discuss youth policies, its direct and indirect effects on the Nigerian youth and the nation at large.

One of the objectives of the dialogue is to lobby policymakers in not only formulating youth-oriented policies but also providing the needed political will to implement and make them work. The dialogue had in attendance relevant stakeholders such as the Commissioner for Youth and Sport Development, Kwara state—Pham. Kale Ayo, CEO Heroes Nation—Mr. Mike Oladipo, renowned Constitutional Lawyer—Dr. Sambo, Senior Special Assistant to the Kwara state Governor on Youth Empowernmet—Mr. Saka Babatunde, CEO Positive Image Consult—Mr. Nadir Abdulqadir, CEO Prime Group—Mr. Tosin Olayanju.

Others include: Mr. Wale Bakare, Miss Bibire Saadat of Saab Foundation, First Female President of Junior Chambers Int'l Kwara State—Mrs. Ibrahim Aishat Akaje, Olaogun Michael Sukanmi of Kids and Teens Resource Center/Success Focus Africa Initiative, current Vice President (Permanent Site) Student Union of the University of Ilorin—Miss Tohira Iromini, Miss Adelodun A. Shukurat of Hope for Girls and Women Foundation, Dammy Sunday Olaniyi of Dac Palm, among others.

In his welcome address, the National Coordinator of Brain Builders Int'l, Mr. Olasupo Abideen Opeyemi, did not mince words in disclosing the agenda of the dialogue. In his words, "For those who wonder why we are gathered here, I shall answer simply by saying: it is because we do not only desire a nation that cares about its youth, we also want a population of youths who care about their nation."

He went further to charge participants (composed largely of youths) to contribute actively to the discussion in order to achieve what he tagged growth and development.

"The power of discourses like this cannot be overemphasized. It is my belief that the discussions today will be a precursor to interesting events and groundbreaking actions. So let us take on the transit bus of responsibility together by contributing maximally at every junction of this programme, so that at the end of the day, we may all arrive safely at the bus stop of growth and development," he said.

The moderator and CEO of Heroes Nation, Mike Oladipo, also reiterated the ideals of the dialogue during his remark. At exactly 11:08am, participants were split into five groups with each group required to brainstorm over specific questions of national significance as contained in the toolkit provided by the organisers.

The Honourable Commissioner for Youth and Sport Development, Pham. Kale Ayo, admonished participants to generate practical solutions to the challenges facing Nigerian youths. In the same vein, he sought to know if the participants were ready to key into the change mantra of the Federal Government. He rounded off his remark by suggesting that the organisers of the dialogue should embark on a national tour in order to get a holistic endorsement by the youth and that the result of such findings should be presented to the Presidency.

The brainstorming sessions were intellectually stimulating, and the resolutions reached by each focused group were deeply thought out and pragmatic in nature. The first to react to the presentations was the SSA to the Kwara state Governor on Youth Empowerment, Mr Saka Babatunde. He advised the youths to change their orientation with a focus on the second stanza of the national anthem. He was of the opinion that the youth remain the greatest asset of a nation. In his words, "Youth continues to be the greatest asset for a nation's development."

He, however, upheld the view that the youth cannot be entrusted with the leadership of the country due largely to their lack of experience.

Reacting to this, a renowned Constitutional Lawyer and Lecturer of Law at the University of Ilorin, Dr. Sambo, differed a bit from the submission made by the SSA to the Governor on Youth Empowerment to the effect that youths are inexperienced to be entrusted with leadership positions. Dr. Sambo was of the view that such comment may not be valid as it was yet to be supported by research. He went further to state that policies fail because they are not hinged on research. In his words, "the main reason
policies fail is they are not research-oriented."

The university don also pointed out the absence of provision for a youth objective under Chapter Two of the 1999 Constitution and suggested ways it could be incorporated and made justiciable if the government fails to deliver on its campaign promises for the youths.

In a related development, the CEO of Positive Image Consult, Mr. Nasir AbdulQadir, gave a reverberating speech that sent chills down the spine of the participants. He gave a general admonishment to the youths to be alive to the current realities in the political landscape and take positive steps in realising their dreams.

In his remark, the representative of the Honourable Commissioner for Youth Kwara State charged the youths to demand for quality education as against quantitative education. He also charged the youths to be alive to their responsibility by constantly putting the government on its feet to implement youth policies that would engender growth and development of the youths in the nation.

In his closing remark, the co-convener of the dialogue and CEO of Brain Builders Int'l, Mr. Olasupo Abideen Opeyemi, added his voice to the discourse of inexperience of the youth in leadership and governance.

"Experience cannot be bought at the market, it's gotten on field," he said.

He went further to state that if youths are entrusted with leadership position it will not only improve the economy and technology but also place them on equal pedestals among the comity of states who uphold democratic values. Issues such as funding and godfatherism were also in the front burner.

Mr. Olasupo thanked all and sundry for making the dialogue successful and result-oriented. He assured participants that such discussions will be held at regular intervals in order to intensify efforts in the campaign for youth inclusion in government.

At this juncture, Miss Nurah of Brain Builders Int'l delivered the vote of thanks. The event ended at exactly 12:45pm with a group photo of the guests and the participants.

Osuji Chima Francis

Tuesday 18 April 2017


In life, one of the major goals for many people is to be financially successful so they can live life without worrying how they’re going to pay their next bill. Financial independence isn’t created overnight.
You’ll find, those who are financially successful, are those who have worked hard a majority of their lives to get to where they are now. If you’re tired of living pay cheque to pay cheque, this expert guide will give you the powerful methods to reach financial success in life without worrying about money.
Here are 4 ways to become financially successful in life:

1. Ignore The Status Of Others
You may have heard the saying ‘keeping up with the Joneses’. It’s important that when you want to reach financial success that you ignore the status of others. You don’t need to keep up with what others are doing.
Your friends may be spending large amounts of money on insignificant things, this doesn’t mean you have to do the same. Many people fall into the trap of keeping up with others who are living the high life. The problem with this is that it can drain your funds quickly. You need to remember that although their lifestyle and income may be a lot different than yours, when it all comes down to it, no one cares about what you drive, where you live, or how you dress.
They care more about how you treat them. When you stop comparing yourself to others and focus on your own financial well being instead, you’re on the right path to becoming more successfully free in life.
“The single most powerful asset we all have is our mind. If it is trained well, it can create enormous wealth in what seems to be an instant.”
― Robert T. Kiyosaki

2. Only Spend What You Need To
Another area where many people fall short is spending more money on things they want, rather than things they need. Many people use their money on items that aren’t really needed. If you focus on spending only what you need and use the rest of your money to pay down debt, or placing it in savings, you’ll find that over time you’ll be in a much better financial state.
A good way to work out how much you can afford to save is by:
Tracking your income and what you make every month.
Deducting your important expenses such as water, electricity, food and house rates etc.
Keep a small amount for spending on yourself otherwise you will become stale. Spending $20 a week or fortnight is much better than spending $70.
Place any additional funds, even if it’s $10, into a savings account.
Before making your next purchase, ask yourself, do you really need this or do you merely just want it?

3. Avoid Unnecessary Debt
Many people fall into the trap of taking out a loan in order to upgrade something that really doesn’t need to be upgraded at that time. Examples of this include upgrading a car, buying a new boat, or renovating the home. The key here is to decide whether or not you can wait and save the money first.
Think positively about money and debt . The process of becoming financially secure is all about thinking positively about money and how you will get out of debt. It’s a good idea to sit down and really analyze your income and debts to see where your money is coming from and where it is going.
Consider what we call good debt and bad debt. Good debt is where you may have a loan on an investment property and, depending on your circumstances, may be eligible to access some taxation concessions. Bad debt on the other hand, is a high interest debt that simply eats away at your income such as credit card debt or purchases made on a store card. Focus on paying down bad debt first.

4. Rewrite Your Life Goals and Create A Strategy
Last but not least, it’s important to set major financial life goals that you want to work towards. When you write down your goals you’ll begin to understand what’s required to make them become a reality.
Some things to ask yourself when you’re thinking about your goals:
Where do you want to be in 5 years/10 years/retirement?
Are there any foreseeable expenses that will emerge that may affect your ability to reach your goals? Such as children’s education or caring for elderly parents.
Do you have any debts that will need to be paid off before you reach your goals?
How much income will you need to achieve your goals?
Do you have any family or other dependents that rely on you?
What would happen to your family and dependents should you lose your source of income?
Are your goals realistic given your financial resources?
“Obstacles can’t stop you. Problems can’t stop you. Most of all, other people can’t stop you. Only you can stop you.” — Jeffrey Gitomer
Becoming financially successful is all about the road you take to get there. Even just making some small changes such as reining in credit card spending, paying off credit card debt and starting a savings plan can make a significant difference to your financial well being.
To achieve larger goals such as planning for a comfortable retirement, it’s worthwhile speaking to a qualified financial adviser. A financial adviser can help you to define your goals and work with you on a financial strategy that’s designed to make your goals become a reality.

Wednesday 5 April 2017


The internet sensation and self acclaimed “hottest” rapper with in-depth vocal dexterity and tremendous diversity, Wale Turner, sets to storm the stage of the 2017 Unilorin Hype Awards this month. The Faya Faya master will be performing alongside Que Peller, Jumabee, Soti, Classykinging, Eddyblint and many more.
Unilorin Hype Awards is the annual celebration of  Students who have contributed positively to music, art, entertainment, lifestyle, entreprenuership, sports among others in  the University of Ilorin. In a formal statement, Solomon Olumide Emmanuel, convener of the event gleefully announced, “This event tends to encourage and support Unilorites in their effort and to showcase their impact on their communities on the local, national and international levels. We proudly present UNILORIN HYPE AWARDS  2017,  this edition is scheduled for Friday 28th of April, 2017 at the Mazabs Event Centre, Tanke, Ilorin, Kwara State, by 5pm and will be immediately followed by the Event After-Party at the Klub Spartacus, Ilorin”.
In his speech, he emphasise the importance of the event, “as we all look forward to this great event that will definitely remain in the memory of many Unilorites and no doubt will be one of the best in the history, let us join hands to support an initiative that aim at appreciating, celebrating and recognising Unilorites that have excelled in their chosen field".
The 2017 Unilorin Hype Awards promised to be a night of glamour, suspense and fun at large after the wonderful and laudable voting process which lasted for 15days.
 The one-day event will be hosted by duo of Oyas Baba and Ify Weckx with DJ A-TECH on the wheel.


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Awesome Media, Campus Talkativ, Campus Chronicles, Kampus TV, The Owl Campus, Unilorin Online TV, Kaybaba Media, SDX Media, Unilorin Talk, Campus Youth TV, Lade Signatory, Ofofonation, Platinum Dynasty Entertainment, Campus Vibes, Creative C Media, Prolific Music World, Unilorin Peeps, College Chills, Kampus Konnect, Herald Newspaper, Grin-Mix Magazine


Woman Rising, the annual celebration of women through Music, Arts and Networking returns on April 8 and 9, 2017 in a two-day extravaganza in its usual extension of the annual celebration of International Women’s Day.

Now in its seventh year, WOMAN RISING has evolved from a small 50-person gathering which debuted in 2011 to a comprehensive, far-reaching and impactful annual 2-day meeting of women across the creative and business spectrums alike – attracting over 500 women cumulatively.

The 2017 ensemble will feature Adunni Nefertiti (all-female acapella folk group), Kaline, amazing newcomers Evelle, Debbie and Sheillah, as well as international guest percussionist Angela Paz Alhucema (Chile).

The two-day event will be hosted by award winning actress, Lala Akindoju across various venues allowing women and the men who love them to connect, empower and celebrate womanhood and the accomplishments of women in business, the humanities, philanthropy and the arts. The weekend will begin with Woman Rising’s landmark exclusive networking brunch and will be concluded with a grand and very critically acclaimed music concert featuring ALL WOMEN performers. The weekend will also feature a private fringe art salon – all focused on womanhood and creativity.

In a formal statement, Ugoma Adegoke & Zebra Living, conveners of the event, gleefully announced “we proudly present WOMAN RISING 2017, the 7th edition scheduled for Saturday 8th and Sunday 9th of April 2017. In a nutshell, WOMAN RISING our own way of celebrating International Women’s Day and WOMEN through the very powerful tools of Music & The Arts and Networking year after year. Our celebration format has infused various aspects of the arts (literature, visual art, dance, film) over the past 6 years and this year we are proud to continue in that tradition. We are planning an uplifting and connecting weekend featuring the most exciting female creatives, artists and artistes – for the enjoyment of the entire city (men and women alike). We continue to harness strategic partnerships and friendships with sponsors and artists to present a high quality and carefully curated and entertaining programme in 2017.”

WOMAN RISING 2017 is presented by Ugoma Adegoke & Zebra Living and supported by FBN Quest, Cointreau, The Wheatbaker, Strada Media, sabinews.com and The Guardian.


Multilingualism is a great thing. Learning another language can make you more competitive in the job market and science has shown that bilingualism can improve your brain while holding back conditions like dementia.

As someone who learned Japanese a few years ago, I can say that while learning a language is a huge challenge, it is also immensely satisfying. Here are a few tips both from experts which can help you become fluent.
1. Know why you’re studying a language

Learning a language is not something you can just pick up and put away as you please. As Language Testing International points out, some languages can take up to 2760 hours to learn proficiently. Even easier languages like French or Spanish will still take 720 hours. No one can do that much work on their own time without serious motivation.

In my case, I am the son of a Japanese immigrant and thus gained an interest in learning the language of my heritage. That motivation kept me going during those many, many frustrating hours I spent trying to learn new kanji or going over Japanese particles.

What that motivation is, can vary from person to person, but make sure you have a real reason to learn a language beyond mere curiosity or impressing your peers. Write it down where you can see it to keep yourself motivated.
2. Learn core words first

No one can memorize every word in a language. Instead, there are a series of core words, which account for the vast majority of what we say in everyday life. In English for example, 90 percent of texts consist just 4000 words while 300,000 words make up the other 10 percent.

So learn the core words first in your language. By emphasizing on those, you can quickly get to a level where you can hold a conversation. Making visible progress like that, can keep yourself motivated for the next level.
3. Practice

As noted above, learning a language to a proficient level can take up to 2760 hours. If you are studying a language for two hours a day, five days a week, that is over five years of work.

That means it is critical to regularly practice. You can’t just do a lot of practice for one day and then take three days off. What knowledge you learn in that one day will decay in those few days. Set a regular schedule and stick to it. If you can make learning a language a routine, the battle is partly won.
4. Watch foreign-language media

Most people use language textbooks to learn basic to intermediate grammar and words, but there is a catch. Those textbooks only teach a very formal version of the language. The result is that when you speak like a textbook in front of a native speaker, you will sound very strange (and in Japanese, you will sound feminine).

So you should expose yourself to your studied language beyond mere study guides. Foreign media is a great way to immerse yourself. Even if you do not understand what they are saying, noticing the tone and pitch used will help.

And turn the subtitles off.
5. Don’t be scared of mistakes

Everyone believes that young children are much better at learning languages compared to adults, but one study from the journal Second Language Research has declared that “the age at which second language acquisitions begins is not a significant factor.”

So if children are not actually better at learning languages, why do we think that? One reason is that unlike adults, children do not get embarrassed when they make a speaking or grammar mistake. Adults do, and this can in the worst case scenario lead to perfection paralysis. People become so worried about making a mistake that they stop trying to move forward and improve.

Mistakes are a part of learning any language. Don’t worry about making them.
6. Speak with native speakers

When I started to learn Japanese, my mother’s side of the family and her contacts were a huge help. I regularly talked with them about everything, which bolstered my speaking skills and helped me understand various parts of Japanese which I would not have realized with just a textbook.

Talking with a native speaker is the single best way to improve your language skills, but how can you find one? Websites like italki or WeSpeke can help you connect with other across the globe. Also probe your friends and family to see if they know someone who speaks your target language.
7. Look into the foreign culture

A language represents people and their culture. If you don’t value the people or the culture, then you don’t value the language. Think about how the Eskimos have 50 words for “snow.”

So take efforts to learn about the native culture if you want to know the native language. Films and TV shows are a good place to start, but newspaper, news shows, and even Internet memes can teach you what the people you are studying are interested in. Doing so will teach you new words and phrases which you would not have learned otherwise and will help you understand that a new language can help you open up an entirely new world for you to explore.
Don’t Give Up!

According to Vamos Spanish Academy, Learning a language is a huge challenge. When you have spent hours not making any real progress and fumbling your speech, it is easy to wonder if this is really such a good idea.

But bilingualism is a valuable tool where the rewards will easily make up for the effort. Remember the reasons why you decided to practice that language and the fact that requires constant, long practice. Fluency is only a matter of time and effort. If you make a true effort to immerse yourself in the language, understand the culture, and practice as much as you can, you will find yourself knowing a language which can enrich your life and teach you new perspectives.


     Comedian, Gbenga Adeyinka; singer, Koredo Bello; and National Sales Coordinator (West), James Akpomieme at the Ibadan edition of #Stay Buzzin party.

 Globacom, on Friday night treated students of the University of Benin, Ambrose Alli University, Ekpoma and the Federal Polytechnic, Auchi to a night of fun in what it tagged Glo #StayBuzzin at the Hexagon Club, GRA, Benin.

The party which held simultaneously in four other cities same night –  Lagos, Ibadan, Abuja, and Port Harcourt, were organised in preparation for the mega music and comedy shows called Glo Mega Music Nationwide Tour and Glo Laffta Fest from Friday, April 7th in 27 cities.

 L-R: Jimmy the Hypeman, anchor of the Abuja party; Coordinator, Finance, Regulatory and Business Services, Globacom, Michael Toluhi, and Glo ambassador, Sani Danja at the Glo #Stay Buzzin Party, held at Stamford Hotel, Kubwa, Abuja on Friday night

 The company also used the parties to introduce Glo Cafe, an app designed for all categories of telecom subscribers, particularly students and youths. It is a one-stop telecommunication solution.  Glo Cafe which offers games, videos, music, sports, entertainment and e-commerce is also positioned as the fastest and easiest way to recharge the Glo account.

The company said: “Glo Cafe is not just an entertainment portal, but also helps customers recharge data and airtime, e-top up, as well as maintain their account status, among other values.  It can be downloaded by existing subscribers by sending Buzz to 288.”

 L-R: Globacom’s National Sales Coordinator, Mid-West, Augustus-ndu Offor; a Glo subscriber, Chidinma Alloy; Glo Brand Ambassador, Omawumi Megbele, and NTA Benin On Air Personality, Jennifer Okoro-Obaye at the #Stay Buzzin Party held at Hexagon Club House, Benin City, on Friday night

 The highly-elated students could not ask for more as the in-house DJ continuously blasted vibes that kept them dancing until the early hours of Saturday. Some of them demonstrated their prowess for comedy, singing and dancing and they got quality gifts as prizes for their efforts.

The duo of two Glo brand ambassadors – ace comedian, Gordons and the most sensational Nigerian female vocalist, Omawumi – anchored the show to the delight of the ecstatic students.

 President of the UNIBEN Students Union Government, Lauretta Obakpolor, after the show, commended Globacom for “always finding time to engage the young folks”.

Globacom’s National Sales Coordinator, Mid-West Territory, Augustu-ndu Offor, noted that the Stay Buzzin Party “is to herald a lot of other activities on the Glo network and we can assure you that from now till the end of the year, there will be no dull moment on the network.”
 A cross section of guests at the Lagos edition of the #Stay Buzzin party organised by Globacom at House of Haze, Lagos

The Lagos Glo #Stay Buzzin held at the House of Haze near the University of Lagos, where its students and those from the Yaba Polytechnic came out in large numbers to have fun with good music and a rich doze of comedy from Omni, Whalemouth and humour merchant,  Bovi, who anchored the show. The atmosphere was further electrified when megastar and King of the Street, Olamide arrived the party.

Olaniyi Opeyemi, president of the Faculty of Arts students, University of Lagos, had this to say after te show, “I had a whole load of fun tonight. Well packaged show and I give kudos to Globacom for thinking about the welfare of the youths. The Glo Cafe App and the shows will really improve our social, educational and financial life. Glo is indeed representing the Nigerian dream”.

Similarly,  it was fun all the way on Friday night in Abuja as youths from different educational campuses in and around the federal capital territory converged for a night of fun and entertainment at Empire Lodge, Stamford Hotel, Kubwa for the Glo sponsored Stay Buzzing party.

Most of the students came from University of Abuja, Veritas University, Dorben Polytechnic and College of Education, Zuba.

The presence of Glo Ambassador, Sani Danja heightened the excitement as the students took turns to take ‘selfie’ with him.

At Option 24, Ikolaba GRA, Ibadan, I don get alert crooner, Korede Bello dished out melodious songs from his repertoire to the delight of students who came in bus loads from the University of Ibadan, Lead City University and The Polytechnic, Ibadan among other tertiary institutions.

The show was compered by Gbenga Adeyinka, Master of Ceremonies.

It was unbridled fun and entertainment in Port Harcourt when the grand masters of data hosted youths drawn mainly from the nearby University of Port Harcourt to a pulsating Glo #Stay Buzzing party.  They came, dressed up to the nines and ready for dancing action.

Dancehall music mega star, Timaya joined senior officials of Globacom, namely, Bisi Koleosho, Globacom’s Head of Operations, Ashok Israni, Regional Chief Marketing Officer and Augustine Mamuro, National Sales Coordinator among others to party with the youths.

Many of the guests went home with goody bags won in various competitions ranging from dancing to quiz and miming, anchored by Port Harcourt-based stand up comic, Senator.

Bisi Koleosho urged the youths to turn up en masse for the forthcoming mega shows, which will showcase the very best in music and comedy from within and outside Nigeria. He also engaged them on the value the newly launched Glo Cafe will bring to students in their studies.


 The 8th Annual African Development Conference held at the Prestigious Harvard University this weekend.

Under the theme, which was to explore creative and collaborative approaches to African challenges and opportunities, the conference brought together a congregation of policy makers, innovative business leaders, accomplished academics, leaders of civil society organisations and other distinguished individuals from around the World to foster productive dialogue about Africa’s future.

Delivering her keynote speech for the conference, Folorunsho Alakija executive vice chair of leading indigenous oil group Famfa Oil called for the need for collaborative efforts of member states on the continent to help drive the narrative of a new Africa forward.

“In other words, if we want to see the Africa of our dreams, I mean the Africa that you and I will be proud of bequeathing to our children and future generations, all of us must pitch in and do our part. This laudable transformation quest can not be undertaken by a few African States acting independently or in weak organised partnerships” She said.

The power packed event also featured the former president of Ghana John Dramani Mahama and South Africa’s public protector who faced death threats in her quest to bring inconsistencies to the fore, Thuli Madonsela.

Wednesday 22 March 2017


The advent of social media has helped to introduce the concept of ‘social media for professional networking’. Slowly, ‘in-person’ networking is being overpowered by simply connecting to social networking sites. It’s all part of the phenomenon of social media that engages tens of millions of internet users per day.
In today’s ‘networking space’, it is thus important to know how to use social media for your professional networking. Jumia Travel, the leading online travel agency, shares 5 ways to help you do this.
Use connection sites like LinkedIn or Xing to look for quality contacts or high-level networkers (HLN) to network with. A quality contact or HLN, according to Entrepreneur.com, are people who are active online, have at least 500 connections and powerful profiles. You should make sure the HLNs you choose to network with are decision makers, executives, media, influencers etc. who are relevant to your field.
Don’t let the fact that you don’t know these people hold you back, simply be transparent when sending them a request or invite and let them know why you would like to connect with them. Try to make the request or invite more about how you can help them and not how they can help you. The more of these people you successfully connect with, the more your visibility increases and the better for you. Increased visibility puts you and your work or brand out there, and this can be especially useful when seeking job opportunities because when headhunters browse through LinkedIn profiles looking for suitable candidates to fill business positions, you’ll be more visible to them.
social media networking
There are two types of people who market online – posters and seekers. You are a poster when you actively post valuable information, resources, tips and offers. Posters are mostly businesses, firms or companies. Seekers are mostly consumers, actively seeking for products and services. TMCs are mostly used by posters. Posters aim their products and services at these TMCs (groups of seekers actively sourcing for information about products and services).
A keyword search on social sites will take you to the groups and discussion areas of these TMCs. You can then join in the groups and discussions where your target market is active and engage with them. Joining these groups and discussions can also give you information on places your target market goes when looking for something in your industry.
There are community areas on most social networking sites for people who have the same interests to gather and connect. You can join and monitor these groups, communities or discussion areas, be active there and engage in their conversations with thoughtful and relevant questions and contributions. This helps you establish a relationship with members in the group and thus expand your professional network by exposing you to and giving you a chance to connect with the right people. When members of your group are familiar with you, they will be more willing to connect with you.
Groups, communities and discussions areas can also give you information on relevant events happening in your field that can present an opportunity for in-person networking, or present a platform to showcase your talents or whatever it is you have to offer.
Blogs and fan pages are two of the best ways to engage with your target market, especially if you are a poster (business, firm or company). You can connect or partner with relevant blogs in your field, create your own blog, create and launch a Facebook fan page or Twitter Profile or do all of these together to reach out to fans and enthusiasts in your field. Once you are able to connect with them through your information, resources, tips and offers, and they like they what they see, you can through this, build a loyal following. Consequently, these loyal followers will be happy to tell their families, friends and peers about you, and your word-of-mouth will grow.
Whether you are a poster or seeker, it is important to share your professional content or achievements on your social media profiles so your connections, followers or friends can see your professional achievements. If you have a blog or one you contribute to, share your post and links to your post on your social media profile. If you are an artiste and have written or sang songs, made dance videos etc., share them on your profile. By doing this, you increase your visibility in your field especially when your connections or friends or followers re-share your content. Increasing your visibility helps you to make new social network connections, and thus expands your professional network.


This may sound very obvious to you if you are thinking about getting your MBA, but the answer to the issue “why get an MBA?” depends largely around the individual.
It may seem impossible to some people, but it comes down to the matter of perspective: Some people will find an MBA program more useful than the others. So, the question remains, do you really need to get an MBA? It does not have to come from the top business schools or through online MBA.
However, there are many factors involved, but the most important ones will be the career plans & aspirations. Read on to find out why you need to get an MBA in Nigeria.

How can I be sure that an MBA is the best choice for me?

The simplest way to consider this is always to conduct a thorough self- examination to see where your strengths lie and what that you want in life. Then, ask yourself: “how can getting an MBA degree help me achieve these goals?”
If your goal should be to advance/alter your current career, start your own personal business and develop business expertise, then certainly getting the MBA should have a profound impact on your life.
Also Read: MBA in USA For International Students Without GRE and GMAT
Getting an MBA degree enables you to have an advantage of others in a large variety of available jobs, command higher salaries and get all of the benefits that go with it.
– Benefits of Pursuing an MBA
1. To be able to advance or improve your career
If you currently have a career, and you would like to either change or advance it, then getting an MBA will certainly worth it.
As soon as you get an MBA, you will definitely progress up in your current job as regards to responsibility and salary. Although you may have to pay for degree yourself. There’s a good opportunity that your employer would want to offset some or all of the tuition for you. This way your work is secured while you develop your network.
In contrast, getting an MBA via a particular specialization may open up completely new possibilities to adjust your current career, because you will have the capability to move across industries.
Why receive an MBA? In order to have freedom to your career track!
2. Management/Leadership skills
Leadership could be the key skill you will learn in your MBA coursework. For being successful in your career, you need to lead the best way to change and manage direct reports. Without the ability to lead, it’ll be tough to advance past your current position.
Why get an MBA? So you can learn to be able to make a change in your business!
3. Starting Your Own Business
Are you among those with entrepreneurial skills? Do you need to become the boss of your separate financial world by starting your own small business? An MBA offers you all the necessary skills and education to achieve that.
Studies have proven that entrepreneurs with MBAs have 50% lower rates of failure in starting a small business. So, why don’t you stop searching for MBA rankings or the best business school online and get started now.
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Award winning rapper, FolarinFalz’ Falana brought an exciting experience to fans at the Star Fan Park at the NPFL match between MFM FC vs. Plateau United on Sunday, March 19th, 2017 at the Agege Stadium, Lagos.
A huge number of football and music fans gathered at the Agege Stadium to witness MFM FC defeat Plateau United by 2 goals to 1 and also watched Falz perform at the Star Fan Park within the stadium.

Senator Dino Melaye’s Anti-Tribal Mark Bill Passes Second Reading

  In November last year, Senator Dino Melaye (APC-KOGI) announced that he will be sponsoring a bill to stop inscription of tribal marks on children, adding that National Identity Card is enough to identify where an individual is from.

On Tuesday, a Bill for an Act to provide for the Prohibition of Facial Mutilation, Offences, Prosecution and Punishment of Offenders, sponsored by Melaye passed second reading in the Senate.
The Bill is also for the Protection of victims under threat of facial mutilation and other related Matters.
Melaye said that there was no doubt that Africans of old used tribal marks as a means of proper identification.
Leading debate on the bill, Melaye said in those days, members of the same village, tribe or lineage had the same tribal marks.
Melaye said that the hometown and lineage of a child or anyone with tribal marks were immediately identified, while outsiders who did not have such marks were also spotted.
He further explained that parents also used tribal marks to lay credence to the legitimacy of their children.
“The irony of these marks is that it makes victims subjects of mockery by friends. Imagine someone being called a tiger simply because of the thick cheeks resulting from facial marks.
These people have been subjected to different reactions. Some have lamented the marks that are bequeathed on them as generational inheritance.
Many have cursed the day which this dastardly act was performed on them.
Many of the grown adults have confessed that the most terrific debacle of their lives is their tribal marks. Some have become eunuchs because of this stigma.
Imagine a boy in the class of 25 pupils carrying a tribal mark. His mates will call him the boy with the railway line. They are emblems of disfiguration.
Some of them have developed low self-esteem and most times treated with scorn and ridicule including rejection by the female folks.
The reactions of people who interact with them say it dampens and lowers their spirit,’’ he said.
Melaye stated that besides the health implication of the practice, it was an infringement on the rights of children, adding that every Nigerian child deserved the right to live.
According to him, it is time a law is enacted to stop the dastardly act, as the popularity and acceptance of facial marks are waning.
“People now prefer that their identity cards remain in their pockets not faces anymore. Long before the awareness programme on Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome (AIDS), many people, mostly children who were subjected to tribal marks had inadvertently been infected with infectious diseases. Sharp instruments used by locals were not sterilised leading to risk of AIDS, including Hepatitis B and C,” Malaye added.
Melaye said the bill, when passed into law will help to check the act, which was a sign of man’s inhumanity to man in a country as great as Nigeria.
He called on his colleagues to support the passage of the bill.
Contributing to the debate, the Chief Whip, Senator Olusola Adeyeye commended Melaye for coming up with such an important bill.
According to him, many children have suffered stigmatisation as a result of the practice.
Adeyeye described the  act as evil,  adding that if it was for the purpose of identification, there was no way any parent would not identify their children without tribal marks.
“In the 21st century, there is no need to argue that either because of religion or custom someone would use sharp object on their children just for identification.
The Constitution provides that the primary function of government is protection of lives. It is disheartening to note that children who have not been tested to know if they are short of blood are being made to lose blood.
In the 21st century, not only this chamber but every chamber in Africa should rise up to this occasion to stop the pains being inflicted on our children,” he said.
The Chief Whip called for stiff penalty to deter others, adding “our generation must permanently stop that reproach’’.
I pray no child will have the kind of mark I have on my hands. This should be banned and we will proscribe severe penalties for both the parents and the so called surgeons,” he added.
The Minority Leader, Senator Godswill Akpabio equally supported the bill, saying it was a welcome development.
“In those days, people wanted it because they were from royal homes, but these days it is no longer in vogue. The international community will be happy we rose to this occasion, so I support this with all my heart.
It is a violation of the rights of children. The child has no option and can’t fight back. Outside the infection, pain can generate something else and lead to insanity.
If we have a law already in existence, we should merge the bill with that of female genital mutilation because they are similar,’’ he said.
He also called for stiff penalties for offenders to serve as deterrent to others.
The Deputy President of the Senate, Ike Ekweremadu, who presided over plenary, said the bill was commendable in view of what children from some parts of the country were being subjected to.
“I am aware that under our constitution, especially Section 34 (1) forbids torture in humans and degrading treatment. This is no doubt inhuman, and it is our responsibility as lawmakers to add flesh to the bones of our constitution.
On a day like this, I am proud of the senate and I believe that when it goes through the second reading it will go to the committee and return as quickly as possible.
This is so that we pass it and ensure that it is implemented as quickly as possible to save our children from this inhuman degrading treatment,’’ he said.
The bill was subsequently referred to the Senate Committee on Judiciary, Human Rights and Legal Matters to be returned to senate in four weeks.

Monday 20 March 2017


      L-R: Special Adviser on Entrepreneurship to Katsina State Governor, Mr. Ibrahim Jikamshi; Chairman, Eko Atlantic Group, Ronald Chagoury; President, Dangote Group, Alhaji Aliko Dangote; Cross River State Governor, Prof. Ben Ayade; Chairman and Founder, Skipper Eye-Q Super Specialty Eye Hospital, Dr. Ajay Sharma; and Group President, Skipper Eye-Q, Mr. Jitendra Sachdeva

The nation’s health sector, at the weekend, received a major boost, as Skipper Seil Group in partnership with Eye-Q, unveiled a state-of-the-art facility, known as Skipper Eye-Q Super Specialty Eye Hospital in Lagos. This was part of plans to provide world-class diagnostic, medical, surgical and optical ophthalmic services in Nigeria.
The facility was commissioned in Victoria Island by the Cross River State Governor, Prof. Ben Ayade in the company of President, Dangote Group, Alhaji Aliko Dangote; Special Adviser on Entrepreneurship to Katsina State Governor , Alhaji Ibrahim Jikamshi; Publisher/Editor in Chief, Daily Times, Fidelis Anosike; Chairman, Eko Atlantic Group, Mr. Ronald Chagoury, among others.

                                             Ayo Thompson with guests on the red carpet

Speaking at the unveiling ceremony, Founder, Eye-Q Eye Super Specialty Hospital, India, Dr. Ajay Sharma, who rolled out various plans for the hospital to improve eye care services in Nigeria, said the hospital was established to assist Nigerians with visual impairments regain their sight and to also save them the trouble of travelling abroad for treatment. Sharma, one of the most renowned eye surgeons in India, said having such a facility in Nigeria was long overdue considering the fact that 4.5 million adults in Nigeria aged 40 years and above, were visually impaired or blind, based on the National Blindness and Visual Impairment Survey conducted in 2005 – 2007.

 His Royal Majesty, Oba Rilwan Akiolu, Oba of Lagos, in company of one of his chiefs being welcome to the event 

 He said: “In a bid to enable more people to access medical care, the JV-Skipper Eye-Q Nigeria-aims to improve medical services in the region. It is committed to delivering its services using the most advanced, progressive and highest standards of quality eye care at an affordable price and we have a team of highly qualified and experienced ophthalmologists to provide the best possible service.” According to the World Health Organization (WHO), 285 million people are estimated to be visually impaired worldwide: 39 million are blind and 246 million have low vision. WHO also says that about 90% of the world’s visually impaired live in low-income settings like Nigeria.

           Dr. Ajay Sharma and Governor Ben Ayade of Cross River State during the facility tour 

Sharma therefore, said the hospital will invest $20 million dollars in eye services in Nigeria through the establishment of 30 eye centres in the next few years, which will further help the country to achieve the global eye health action plan 2014–2019, which seeks to reduce avoidable visual impairment as a global public health problem and to secure access to rehabilitation services for the visually impaired. Already, he said Skipper Eye-Q Super Specialty Eye Hospital had started partnering with four states in the country; Kaduna, Kano, Katsina and Cross River to improve their ophthalmology clinics and upgrade their facilities. According to him, the hospital will be involved in the training of Nigerian doctors with ultra modern facilities on surgeries and different eye care so as to enhance their performance and services. Apart from offering Corporate Social Responsibility services, Sharma also noted that the hospital will be creating jobs for Nigerians.
                             Alhaji Aliko Dangote, Dr. Ajay Sharma and Governor Ben Ayade

He said: “Vision is important. Without vision, you are nothing. My responsibility after the commissioning is to take the innovation and technology home. I have given a contract to the management of the hospital to replicate same in my state.” In his remarks, Alhaji Dangote who expressed delight at the establishment of the facility, said his foundation will work with the hospital to provide free eye care services to the poor, stressing that provision of effective and accessible eye care services is key for effectively controlling visual impairment including blindness.
He added that the foundation will also support the training of doctors. Group President, Skipper Nigeria, Mr. Jitendra Sachdeva, said Nigeria has an alarming number of visually impaired people and therefore, needs such specialized state-of-the-art hospitals that can treat all kinds of eye ailments.
                                                               Guests at the gala dinner

“With the launch of this centre, we look forward to catering for the country’s population and provide best eye care facility to the people. As a community healthcare provider, our main focus will be on the primary and secondary eye care needs of local people of Lagos and its neighborhoods,” Sachdeva said.
Also, Lagos State Commissioner for Health, Dr. Jide Idris, said having Skipper Eye-Q Super Specialty Eye Hospital in Lagos remains a plus for the state as it will boost the state’s services on eye care. Apart from improving eye care in the state, Idris pointed out the hospital will assist in building capacity locally and also update the knowledge of eye care professionals in the state.
                                      World-class operation theatre with latest equipment

 He said, “We have a shortage of human resources in all specialties and eye care is one of them. Establishing the hospital in Lagos state is more like a plus to us. “It is a positive thing because they have compact equipment that will help boost our services in eye care.” He, therefore, urged Nigerians to carry out regular eye check to help prevent glaucoma which causes irreversible blindness if detected late.
                                                             Skipper Eye-Q Reception


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1. They believe in their ideas
Successful entrepreneurs don’t wait for anyone to validate their ideas. This is because they have invested a reasonable time in researching the workability and practicability of the ideas before sharing it with potential investors and friends. So, whether your friend or investor believes in your idea, they are not worried, they pursue it to a viable conclusion. Their positivity will always rub off on those around them.
2. They find solutions to problems
Entrepreneurs easily find solutions to problems and provide answers via a product or service. This is why it is essential to conduct market research to test your solutions. When you have a market, be sure that your solution will solve the problem your target market has.

3. They delegate
Successful entrepreneurs don’t do everything on their own. Except you want to experience entrepreneurial burnout, you will always delegate. What you should delegate are the things you have little or no knowledge about.
4. They go the extra mile
Entrepreneurs are never satisfied with doing things haphazardly. They are exhaustive and if they need to go the extra mile, they will. In going the extra mile, they sacrifice a quite a number of things.

5. They schedule everything
As a business man, your schedule is always tight. You are always in one meeting or another. The only way you can manage yourself and time is by scheduling everything. Don’t postpone anything. Be at home when you are supposed to and go on vacation to Obudu Resort when you are meant to.
6. They invest in their own skills
Whether you are an entrepreneur or not you should always hone your skills. Successful entrepreneurs never hesitate to educate themselves


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